Special Offer: Buy 5, Pay for 4! Buy 10, Pay for 8! :3 :3
Sketchy's Ordinals

Le current mint statistics! Do YOU have the power to change these magic numbers??

Whitelist Spots (Claimed/Total) 24/333
Total (Minted/Total) 102/3333

Mint Sketchy Mintpasses with BTC

How many Sketchy Ordinals do you REALLY want?
You can buy up to 10 Ordinals in one transaction.
The BTC Address to which we may or may not deliver the goods.
Plz gib this much BTC.
The Sketchy Merchant Address will be shown ONLY once you have clicked "Validate" and then "Submit".
The BTC Address you will use to gib Sketchy the BTC. We will refund you here if we can't deliver the goods or you get a special discount.

Claiming Mintpass from Whitelist

Please connect your wallet and click “Mint Sketchy Ordinals Pass from Whitelist”. Careful, there is a limited amount of Sketchys that can be minted from the whitelist, so you better hurry!

Minting from Ethereum

Please connect your wallet, click “Mint Sketchy Ordinal Pass with ETH” and select the amount you’d like to mint. As Sketchy is a humble fella, he is dishing out rebates: you can mint five mintpasses for the price of four, and ten for the price of eight! Please be aware that you can only mint a maximum of ten mintpasses at a time!

Claiming Ordinal from Ethereum Mint Pass

Once your mintpasses have arrived in your Ethereum wallet, you can redeem your Sketchy Ordinals. Click the "Redeem your Sketchy Ordinals with Ordinal Pass” button, select the available mintpasses you want to claim, enter a valid Bitcoin Ordinal address ((this will be checked for you automatically hehe) if you do not have an ordinal wallet we recommend xverse) and finally: CLICK REDEEM! Congratulations, you have just initiated the inscription process and the ordinal miners deep inside the mountain now have some work to do! Please be aware that the inscription process can take a considerable amount of time (up to a few days), after which, your Sketchy Ordinals should show up in your ordinals wallet and on Magic Eden!

Minting from Bitcoin

To submit an application to mint with Bitcoin, select the amount of Ordinals you want to mint, then enter the address we will send these pristine Ordinals to, so that we can make sure you can receive your Sketchys! (We will check whether your Bitcoin address is taproot enabled). Click "Validate" and when all checks have ran, click again to display the Bitcoin address to which you will have to send your BTC. Congrats, your application has been submitted to our sketchy inscription node! As Sketchy is a humble fella, he is dishing out rebates: you can mint five Sketchy Ordinals for the price of four, and ten for the price of eight! Please be aware that you can mint a maximum of ten Sketchy Ordinals at a time and that it will take until the block containing your transaction has been mined to initiate the further mint process.